My first son became a son underwater. The summer after we lost him, I spent a lot of time swimming. Clouds would gather and part above me.
Julia Halprin Jackson's writing has appeared in The Racket, Noyo River Review, West Branch Wired, Oracle Fine Arts Review, California Northern and selected anthologies. Honors include winning the 2018 Mendocino Coast Writers Conference novel excerpt contest, being nominated for a Pushcart Prize in 2015, and being named a finalist in the 2019 and 2015 Reynolds Prize for Fiction, issued by the Center for Women Writers, as well as the 2013 H.E. Francis Short Story Competition. Julia currently contributes to San Jose State University’s alumni magazine, Washington Square, and is the co-founder and publicity director of Play On Words, a literary performance series based in San Jose. She has an MA in creative writing from UC Davis.