My Love Language is Midwestern
weed yarrow redbud & browngrass prairie :
snow snow snow snow & infinite crocus :
all the way back to redbud & milkweed :
there are more : honeysuckle shrub & shrug :
the bloom we called honeysuckle for years
before we discovered better : prairie :
I want you to know how warm rain can come
& down petals during July’s big storm :
isn’t this beautiful? Infinity
redbud browngrass prairiefire : I want you
to know how it’s nice to feel warm : crocus :
I want you to know I’m waiting for you
to come back to this place with seasons
Indecent Sonnet
seven words in we stop playing scrabble
to fuck on my living room floor : you turn
your pieces over : I leave mine alone
letters-up : E I I A O A O :
only vowels : I have lost already :
I want you to turn me over too please :
please would you turn me over entirely :
look! There is my blood all over the quilt!
Luckily blood looks a lot like quilted
roses & to be beneath you is to
be beneath an idea of something
found … luckily is a seven letter word :
so’s forever & fucking & beneath :
beneath you forever : I’m only vowels
Metaphor for Lots
at the top of the tower I can see
green in the middle of city : at the top of the tower
I lick salt from my fingers & read your weird book & eavesdrop on first dates:
nervous people are addicted to bragging in public about unconditional love
as it relates to their new dogs & how many
mosquito bites they got this summer at the lake :
at the top of the tower someone asks me if I believe
in the beyond : if I believe in infinity :
if I think god is tall :
at the top of the tower someone tells me god is as good a word as any :
I tell someone I’m too busy to chat & someone should read your book
for an answer & maybe eat a sandwich : after all
life’s about balance : at the top I don’t look back :
at the top I can see the entire skyline & sky sprinkling salt :
but this isn’t about me this is about
infinity and water towers and even you :
god : this is about blood