Frank was right that another time, the crocodile might win. The shark in the video was almost beaten. Bleeding from its eye, clouds of pink erupted from its flesh.
Amber Wheeler Bacon's work has appeared or is forthcoming in Ecotone, Epiphany, Five Points, Post Road, New Ohio Review, Crazyhorse and Witness. You can find her writing online at Ploughshares, CRAFT, Fiction Writer’s Review and New South. She is the recipient of the 2018 Breakout Writers Prize sponsored by The Author’s Guild and a 2021 scholarship from Bread Loaf Environmental. In 2020, her story collection, We Were Vessels, was one of five finalists for Hub City Press’s C. Michael Curtis Short Story Book Prize and a finalist for Moon City Press’s Short Fiction Award. She received the 2022 Lit/South Award and teaches English at Coastal Carolina University.